River AUXPAD Training
Ozark National Scenic Riverways
Eminence, MO
September 27-29 (exclusive of travel days)
This training will consist of two tracks:
AuxPAD Operator: Learn the skills needed to successfully conduct patrols in a class 1 river environment. You’ll be able to get most PQS tasks signed off on (the 5-mile paddle and navigation components will need to be completed on flat water within your AOR) as well as value-added skills such as learning how to read the river, ferrying, eddy turns and peel outs. This sessions will be team taught by a volunteer instructor from the Ozark Riverways Foundation and an Auxiliary AQ. To view the AUXPAD PQS, please see Appendix C of the AUXPAD Handbook. Enrollment is limited to 10 students, 5 of which will be funded by the Auxiliary Association.
AuxPAD Qualifier (AQ): This is an L2 River Kayaking Instructor Certification Workshop. Learn how to effectively teach other people the skills they need to be safe and effective on the river. Once certified, a member is eligible to be appointed as an AQ in their district and can certify AuxPAD operators. Certification is not guaranteed and members must also have CPR and venue-appropriate first aid certifications (does not have to be completed prior to the workshop). For most river environments, “venue appropriate” means wilderness first aid. Participants in this track must be ACA members (Join the ACA) and will be required to pay SEIC dues prior to certification. Prior to registering for this class, members should review the L2 Skills Assessment and feel confident that they possess these skills. The focus of the ICW is to refine techniques and learn how to present them - not to learn the skills for the first time. It will also be helpful to review the Instructor Criteria . Enrollment is limited to 10 students, 5 of which will be funded by the Auxiliary Association.
This track will be taught by Instructor Traininer Educator Tom Burroughs. Mr. Burroughs is a nationally recognized ACA L5 Swiftwater Rescue Instructor Trainer Educator, ACA L4 Whitewater Kayak Instructor Trainer Educator, and Wilderness Medicine Instructor. He will be assisted by Julie Carey, Instructor Trainer Candidate and 8WR AuxPAD coordinator.
Combined Activities:
Friday, September 27: Dinner with COMO Stephens. Join COMO Brock Stephens at an Eminence institution, the Dairy Shack! Learn about Auxiliary activities in 8th Western Rivers and get a chance to hear what he has to say.
Saturday, September 28: Campfire and S'mores with a Ranger: National Park Service Law Enforcement Ranger and Coast Guard Reservist Kent Breese will join us around the campfire Saturday evening to discuss water safety issues in the park, drawing from his law enforcement and first responder perspectives. Vegan marshmallows will be provided for those who desire them.
Ozarks National Scenic Riverways is the first National Park to protect a river system. It consists of the spring-fed Current and Jack’s Fork Rivers and provides hundreds of L1 River miles for visitors to paddle. Participants in the operator track will get to experience much of the upper Current River as they learn to navigate easy rapids, avoid strainers and discuss educational opportunities influenced by the “float trip” culture. ICW participants will get to preview limited areas of both rivers and will decide it’s an area they want to return to in the future!
Many large springs feed into both the Current and Jacks Fork Rivers, including Alley Spring (81,000,000 gallons per day (gpd)) and Welch Spring (75,000,000 gpd) either upriver from or immediately adjacent to areas being used for training. Because of this, water temperatures tend to be on the cooler side, often in the upper 60s to lower 70s in the middle of summer (based on recent measurements while on patrol).
Lodging has been reserved at the Jack’s Fork River Resort. All rooms have two double beds and most of the rooms at the resort’s lodge have been newly renovated. As of a 7/6/2024 site-visit, the on-site restaurant and lounge was undergoing renovation with it being anticipated to be completed prior to this event. The lodge overlooks the river and provides seating outside of each room to relax and enjoy the view.
Lodging is being provided based on dual-occupancy. If you wish to have a single-occupancy room, that may be arranged dependent on enrollment but you will be responsible for the cost difference, $252 total for the weekend. If sessions experience full-enrollment, you will be required to either share a room or procure your own lodging, likely at a different hotel as we have all but two rooms reserved at Jack’s Fork River Resort. Please keep in mind, Eminence is a small town with limited lodging options as the majority of visitors camp within park boundaries.
Personal Protective Equipment
Because of the nature of these rivers, participants should be prepared to wear wet or dry suits, especially during the rescue portions of both tracks where extended time in the water will be required. Air temperatures in late September are unpredictable as average highs work their way down from 83 degrees in September to 72 degrees in October.
Participants are requested to bring their own paddling PFD. If this is not possible, please reach out to 8WR's AUXPAD Coordinator Julie Carey ASAP so she can secure PFDs from the district's PDLOs.
Location, Transportation, and Kayak Availability
Directions to Jacks Fork River Resort can be obtained at here
Members wishing to fly should plan to fly into St. Louis Lambert International Airport (STL). Eminence is approximately 3-hours from St. Louis. It is expected that members will carpool to save on rental vehicle costs.
A very limited number of rental kayaks are available, so it is highly encouraged for members to bring their own, especially those who are participating in the ICW.
Registration and Financial Information:
The Auxiliary Association is funding 5 members per track. Members wishing to attend this training must register by noon on August 30th to take advantage of the procured lodging. Assistance will be provided to members who register after this date to find suitable accommodations, but it is not guaranteed to be at the same location or rate as the rest of the group.
The Auxiliary Association is covering transportation (commercial airfare or GAS [receipts required]), en route lodging for those requiring two days to drive to the training venue (limited to GSA per diem rates), rental cars for those flying (with the expectation of carpooling), meals and incidentals, and tuition for the Instructor Certification Workshop.
Members will be responsible for lodging overages due to requesting single occupancy rooms, individually procured lodging in Eminence, and a course deposit of $100 per member. AQ-Candidates are also required to put down half of the ICW tuition for a total deposit of $315. The tuition portion of the deposit will be refunded to the candidates within 60 days of course completion.
The course deposit is not reimbursable through AuxA and will be used to cover incidental expenses with any leftover funds distributed to the members within 60 days of course completion. For members who cancel their attendance at this training, deposits will be returned on the following schedule:
Cancellation prior to noon Central on August 30: 100%
Cancellation prior to September 15: 50%
Cancellation after September 15 or no show: 0%.
Ready to Register or need more information?
Contact Julie Carey, jcarey02@hotmail.com for more information.
Please visit https://zfrmz.com/WrSYsa9TjVW8rKHmexM6 to register for this event!